The electrical panel serves as the power source for your entire electrical system. It is critical to find a licensed electrical contractor with extensive experience in electrical panel upgrades and installation. The work has many implications and ramifications that can affect the electrical system and ultimately pose a significant risk if not handled correctly by a licensed and experienced electrical contractor.
Some issues we often come across
due to unprofessional and unskilled electrical work:
Before electrical panels or circuit breaker boxes existed, the fuse box was the way of distributing power through the home. Historic houses may still use fuse boxes. It’s possible that your home doesn’t have a breaker. If you have a fuse box and it still works, it may not need to be replaced. However, there are many advantages on having a getting a panel upgrade. If you are unsure if you should replace your fuse box, contact Hillside Expert Electrical to get a free estimate.
Upgrading a fuse box to an electrical panel is almost always for convenience. The convenience is the ease of resetting a tripped circuit breaker vs replacing a fuse. If you want to have GFCI outlets in your home, you may also want to upgrade your fuse box. GFCI outlets are extra protection outlets in your kitchen and bathrooms, areas that typically experience increased electric usage. They are now part of the electric code. Fuse boxes are NOT compatible with GFCI outlets though. If you would like to install GFCI outlets in your bath or kitchen, you will need to switch your fuse box to an electrical panel. Lastly, electrical panels adds value to your home! You may not mind using a fuse box, but if you’re selling your home, your buyer may not want one! To get an accurate quote, Hillside Expert Electrical can help you out! Ask for your free quote and we’ll take care of everything.
If you have never done an electrical Panel Upgrade in your home, there is a chance your home may have been built with a Federal Pacific Panel (FPE). Most homes built between 1950-1990 have these Stab-Lok breakers installed which are defective and run the risk of malfunction or electrical fire. When a breaker fails to trip, an extreme amount of power from the outside electrical supply surges into a home’s panel and circuits. Once that happens, it cannot be stopped or shut off manually. Electricity will burn until it runs out of fuel or the wires melt. Our electricians have a lot of experience with panel upgrades, including FPE panels, and can provide you with a quality service and replacement for your panel. You should replace them with a circuit breaker that meets modern safety standards.
It may be time to upgrade your electrical panel if it trips to often or is becoming much more susceptible to power surges. It is definitely time to replace your circuit breaker if it smells like smoke or has fire residue on it. If your panel is uninsurable, it's a good time to consider a
Panel Upgrade. Circuit breakers that are faulty should be replaced before they cause damage to your home. Good news your Insurance Company may cover the cost of this upgrade. In addition, you could benefit from such upgrades if you need more amps, or you could benefit from a subpanel. Such projects require experienced and knowledgeable electricians.
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