Flickering Lights

If there is a burning smell or buzzing sound along with the flickering lights, there may be a loose or damaged circuit connection. You must contact an electrician right now. Either the wiring is subpar and needs to be professionally fixed, or the switch needs to be replaced. On one circuit, there are too many appliances, which reduces the voltage supply.

Bulb Burnouts

The voltage may be too high for the bulb if you notice that you are constantly replacing burned-out bulbs. On the circuit or panel, the wiring has been installed incorrectly or improperly. The dimming switch can be broken. The airflow surrounding the bulb is insufficient. The holder does not completely enclose the bulb.

Electric Shock from

Switches and Outlets

If you experience an electrical shock when you touch switches and outlets, turn devices on or off, or plug them in or out. It may be due to the device itself or to a problem with the electrical wiring. To diagnose and resolve the issue, contact an electrician.

Dead Outlet

If you plug in an appliance and it doesn't function, the problem may lie with the appliance or the outlet. The fuse or GEI may have tripped, which could explain why the outlet is dead. Wiring problems exist. The outlet has to be changed because it is broken.

Increasing Electric Bill

You should call an electrician to look into the reason for any noticeably high electric bills. High electrical bills have a variety of causes, such as: You have a faulty electrical circuit or wire. In the electrical system, there is a leak. You are employing old, energy-guzzling electrical equipment.

Faulty Light Switch

You should call an electrician if a switch is creating a buzzing noise or not working at all. One potential cause of the issue is a defective switch. The connection was not made correctly. The electrical wiring needs to be replaced because of an issue.

Outlet Repair

The same issues frequently lead to the need for an outlet repair. For instance, the outlet may be hot to the touch, appear burned, create crackling noises, have exposed wires, or be loose.

You might think replacing or repairing an outlet is simple. But it is crucial to know what is causing the problem or it will occur again. The fundamental issue is not fixed. You can be putting your safety at danger in the interim and ultimately wind up spending more money. We follow the rule: don't attempt to solve a problem until the source has been identified! Call us at 818.896.5400

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Circuit Breaker Problems

Circuit breakers trip to prevent the buildup of heat. The extra heat could be transmitted to the electrical panel and potentially ignite a fire if the circuit breaker is unable to shut off. An overloaded circuit, faulty wiring, or perhaps a hyperactive appliance could be the cause of this. An appliance uses more electricity when you first turn it on than it does when it is running continuously. These appliances could draw current from other sections of your home, such your lighting, if your panel isn't functioning properly. Your circuit breaker tripping repeatedly indicates a problem. You could need to have the wiring, panel box, or appliances checked out. Never allow your electrical panel to make buzzing, crackling, or sizzling noises! These noises could mean a faulty wiring or circuit breaker, which could cause a fire or even electrocution! Contact your electrician to identify the problem!

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